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College students need to understand politics if they are rationally patriotic | 泰国中文论坛 - 泰国华人论坛 - 泰国生活百事通









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发表于 2022-3-15 14:21:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Patriotic enthusiasm of youth
College students are very concerned about politics. In the more than 30 years of my work, countless major events have occurred at home and abroad. Whenever it comes to China, some college students have shown passionate patriotism.
This is a good thing. If the young intellectuals in a country do not care about the future and destiny of the country, the country really has no future. Therefore, college students must be concerned about politics. However, the issue of politics is much more complicated than some daily life issues, especially some political issues that involve the fundamental interests of the country. If they are not handled well, they will affect the overall situation of the country. College students are patriotic. This should be fully affirmed. However, when encountering major political problems, you must first be calm, think carefully, and not be emotional. Diaoyu Islands problem
For a period of time, the Diaoyu Islands issue has attracted great attention from Chinese people and has become a hot topic among college students. Not only are there heated discussions, some college students have also taken to the streets to express their strong dissatisfaction with the actions of the Japanese government. In a conversation with college students, I asked them such a question: "Let us suppose that if there are only two countries on the earth, China and Japan, will there still be the Diaoyu Islands problem?" I said that I am sure that I will answer absolutely no And I believe that my college students will come to this conclusion.
why? The reason is simple. Japan is an island country, with a population of 129 million living on 378,000 square kilometers of land. The population density is too high, coupled with the lack of resources. With this alone, if you want to survive, you have to rely on China. How can Japan dare to survive? It was originally our Diaoyu Islands that they belonged to them? So from the emergence of the Diaoyu Islands problem, what should college students realize?
What I want to communicate with college students here is that college students should not only care about politics, but also understand politics. When major incidents occur between countries, they should first clarify the intricate international relations in the world today, face them calmly, and be rational and patriotic. . To be sure, the Diaoyu Islands issue is by no means isolated, because there are not only two countries in the world, China and Japan. Since the emergence of the "one ball, two systems" political structure, countries in the world, especially the adherence to society The relationship between the countries with the socialist system and the countries taking the capitalist road has become more complicated. Here is a precedent for such a major political event in history to support my point of view. As we all know, from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, the Second World War broke out in human history. The scale of this war is huge: from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 61 countries and regions have been involved, and more than 2 billion people have been involved. The combat area covers an area of ​​22 million square kilometers. According to incomplete statistics, more than 90 million soldiers and civilians were killed or injured in the war. The servants of this war are the Axis fascist countries headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan. During the war, the Nazis established concentration camps to isolate and detain dissidents, enemy overseas Chinese, and members of a specific ethnic, religious, or political belief group in a facility within a range of isolation from the outside world. The Auschwitz concentration camp, established in 1940, is the largest concentration camp in Germany and mainly detains Jews from Poland and Germany. The Nazis established a large-scale comprehensive extermination facility here, including "bathrooms" for killing people with poisonous gas, cellars for storing corpses, and cremators to eliminate Jews. The Nazis also selected prisoners for medical experiments, such as experimenting with convenient sterilization methods and performing vivisections on twins. About 4 million people were killed in the camp alone. Japanese fascism has also committed heinous crimes in China, implementing the barbaric "three-light policy", engaging in killing competitions for fun, and carrying out the "Nanjing Massacre." The brutal crimes of fascism are heinous. "Get more help, but fail to help." Justice will eventually triumph, and evil will inevitably perish. The outcome of the Second World War finally ended with the victory of the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Britain and other anti-fascist countries and the people of the world over the fascist invaders to win world peace and progress. For the Chinese people, they are particularly concerned about how to deal with Japanese militarists.In comparison with Saddam’s doom today, it should be said that no matter how to punish the crimes committed by the Japanese militarists in the war, it is not an exaggeration, and it can even make Japan, a fascist island nation in the Pacific Ocean, from now on." "Buried" in the vast ocean. However, history is not staged like this. Not only did Japanese militarism fail to receive the harshest punishment, it also received a lot of "favors" from a certain angle. The reason is that Western capitalist countries headed by the United States and the United Kingdom do not want such a Pacific island country in the Far East that is neighboring China to disappear. The college students know that a major result after World War II was the birth of a big socialist country like China in the East, which the Western world is extremely unwilling to see.
To this day, the general strategy of the West is to prevent the emergence of a powerful China that adheres to the socialist system in the East. This strategy has never been changed or shaken by the West. We will discuss this issue later. Although Japan is a defeated country, it has been tainted by the light of the capitalist system. In order to curb socialist China, Western countries have to use Japan as a pawn to disturb China's situation. This is the value of Japan's existence in the West! College students care about politics and want to be patriotic. The prerequisite is to really understand politics and understand such intricate international relations. Here we can replay the historical footage further. politics
· Politics is not always there. In primitive society, there is no concept of private ownership, let alone a country, and there is no politics at all. Politics, as a social phenomenon and the superstructure of society, appears when class antagonism and the state are produced, and it is always directly or indirectly connected with the state. Politics is a concentrated reflection of the economy, and national interests are the core interests of political representatives and reflections. All ideological and behaviors that are contrary to national interests will be opposed on the political level. The method adopted is to use force to launch war.
· We often say that today’s world has entered the era of multi-polarization, which means that the political interests of any country do not exist in isolation. To deal with things like nations, great wisdom is needed, and both history and reality are needed. To grasp the dimensions.
Looking back at the development process of human society, the 20th century should be regarded as a century of great significance. In the long development of human society before this, several social forms such as primitive society, slave society, feudal society and capitalist society have appeared successively. The replacement of feudal society by capitalist society is a major advancement in human development.

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